Temporary Pass Holder and Temporary Vehicle Pass Security Declaration
A temporary identity pass holder must abide by the conditions contained in this Security Declaration. Failure to comply with Birmingham Airport Limited (BAL) Byelaws and Department for Transport regulatory requirements may result in your temporary pass being withdrawn.
General Provision
The aim of Airport Security is to protect passengers, flight crew, staff, and members of the public from unlawful acts by ensuring only authorised persons who are suitably sponsored to gain access to restricted areas within the Airport. The purpose of the TEMPORARY pass is to control escorted access to the Critical Part (CP)/Airside Area of the airport for those authorised ON DUTY and/or visitors attending site.
1. The responsibilities of Airport Temporary Pass Holder are to:
1.a safeguard their Airport Temporary Pass.
1.b account for its use.
1.c contribute to Airport Security (see section 6 & 7).
1.d accept liability for the search of both your person and carried items in your possession when entering or leaving CP /Airside areas.
1.e Immediately report lost/stolen security and vehicle passes to the airport ID Centre, or airport control centre (out of hours).
Contact: ID Centre 0121 767 7168 (normal office hours) or Airport Control Centre (24-7) 0121 767 8585.
1.f Return their airport temporary pass to the sponsoring company upon the expiry of the pass.
2. An Airport Temporary Pass is subject to the following conditions:
2.a it is used for access control or identification purposes only (one per person).
2.b it is valid only in respect of the person to whom it is issued when carrying out company business. It must NOT be used to gain access to any area of the CP/Airside to meet or rendezvous with any person or article travelling inbound or outbound at any time. This is a breach of UK Border Force (BF) [Customs/Immigration] and Security requirements and will result in the ID card being removed pending an Investigation which may further result in criminal prosecution.
2.c it confers evidence of identity only – it does not confer any right of entry. A temporary pass holder may be refused entry at a control point by Security Personnel or a member of the Compliance Authorities.
2.d it is not transferable i.e.; the issued pass cannot be used to work for another company on site without the consent of the issuing authority.
2.e it must resemble the holder and is not damaged or defaced in any way.
2.f you agree to undergo security search procedures as a condition of entry into the CP/Airside Area.
2.g In accordance with the Insider Threat countermeasures, any individual highlighted to the airport as having significant intelligence, and/or has a criminal conviction, Birmingham Airport Limited reserves the right to withdraw or restrict their cardholder access.
2.h The temporary pass holder must notify the sponsoring company and the Airport Authority within 14 days if they are arrested, charged, or convicted of a disqualifying conviction.
3. An Airport Temporary Pass must:
3.a be presented to Security Staff of Directed Parties for inspection and validation when the holder wishes to enter the CP/Airside Area.
3.b be clearly displayed within the plastic holder or armband, (worn on outer clothing on the front of the body, recommended at chest height) when entering and whilst within the CP/Airside Area. Refusal will result in the temporary pass being confiscated.
3.c be shown/handed on demand to Security Staff of Directed Parties, Police Officers, BF Officers, or individuals who identify themselves as having responsibility for the security of the area in question, e.g., airline staff controlling the use of a departure gate
3.d be reported lost/stolen immediately to the ID Centre (0121 767 7168) or Airport Control Centre (0121 767 8585).
4. The Aerodrome Manager is responsible for:
4.a co-ordinating the organisation of airport security.
4.b ensuring appropriate security measures are in place in accordance with the requirements set by the Department for Transport (DfT).
5. Holders of an Airport Temporary Pass are responsible for contributing to airport security & safety by:
5.a complying with the regulations regarding access control and maintaining security in their work area.
5.b reporting to Security Staff of Directed Parties or the Compliance Authorities.
5.b.1 breaches of access into the CP/Airside Area.
5.b.2 the presence of firearms or other weapons.
5.b.3 unaccompanied baggage in public areas (call 222 from an internal line or 0121 767 8222 from an external line).
5.b.4 any situation or incident which could represent a security risk, or which attracts their suspicion (refer to section 7)
5.c familiarisation with safety critical documentation issued by Birmingham Airport to their organisation (to enable staff to remain safe) and to liaise directly with their company for a safety briefing which should include information detailed in the Airport Operations Instructions (AOI’s) and Airport Safety Instructions (ASI’s).
5.d Abiding by the Birmingham Airport Limited by laws.
6. Airport Temporary Pass Holders should be aware of the following:
6.a that it is unlawful for any person to have in their possession at any airport any firearm or article having the appearance of a firearm, or any explosive (including component thereof) or any other prohibited articles, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.
6.b that smoking is permitted in designated areas only
6.c. that refuse containers are positioned around the apron area, airside roads and selected stands for the disposal of foreign object debris (FOD).
6.d photography or filming anywhere on the airport site is only permitted for corporate use – this means that any images taken must be because it is necessary as part of your job/role. Images of security operations/installations are not permitted under any circumstances. Images or recordings taken for corporate use must not be published in print, broadcast or online, or used on any social media platform without prior agreement from Birmingham Airport. Anybody found to be in breach of these guidelines will be required to remove images from their camera/phone/social network and may be subject to disciplinary action by their employer, in this case airport IDs and airside access may be withdrawn.
6.e that no alcohol may be taken through staff gates into the CP/Airsidearea (except for merchandise deliveries to stores) and that the consumption of alcohol airside is prohibited on the grounds of safety.
6.f that card holders should only use designated access control points for access into CP/Airside area unless otherwise approved, and that Access to zones within the airport are for operational use only. Card holders have the right to ‘check and challenge’ temporary pass holders if the temporary pass holder is not abiding by the conditions as per section 8.
6.g. that the carriage of DfT’s prohibited items in the CP are permitted by authorised personnel only. Items found insecure by authorised personnel may lead to disciplinary action.
6.h. If challenged by security staff/ Directed Parties to show their temporary pass and the pass holder refuses to comply, or is abusive towards the requester, the pass holder will risk having their temporary pass removed and escorted to the nearest access control point.
6.i. that it is not permissible for a temporary pass holder to replicate, or knowingly allow others to copy their temporary pass or its security features with the aim of producing a fake temporary identity pass.
7. Insider Threat and Airport Security Culture:
Birmingham Airport has processes and practices in place to promote, implement, embed a positive security culture with its stakeholders (and card holders) and the following points are encouraged by all those that form a part of the Birmingham Airport Community:
Compliance with all applicable legislative and industry requirements.
Maintenance of adequate standards of security to meet local requirements.
Continuous education on vigilance and general security awareness.
Promoting the correct reporting process for anything deemed as “out of the ordinary” or suspicious.
Creating a safe and supportive security culture around exposing insider threat and to mitigate opportunities for individuals to operate, or for collusion to foster.
Working in the airport environment gives the temporary pass holder an insight to working processes and practices that can be valuable to those who may wish to compromise or subvert airport security for the purpose of crime, protest, terrorism, or other threats. It is important to understand how to report security concerns when something does not look right.
7.a Do you know how to report a security concern at Birmingham Airport?
For concerns or incidents requiring an immediate response, suspicious items & behaviours, and unattended items, call 222 from an internal phone (0121 676 8222 from an external / mobile) For concerns not requiring an immediate or urgent response, call Security
Podium (7131 internal or 0121 767 7131 external)
7.b Do you know what insider threat is?
7.b.1 An insider threat is person who exploits, or has intention to exploit, their role or knowledge for unauthorised purposes including organised crime, protests, and terrorism. Insider threat can be challenging to identify, and it centres on employees reporting concerns about individuals and bringing them to the attention of management.
7.b.2 Organisations should have a robust whistleblowing and reporting process that all employees are aware of.
7.b.3 If you have concerns about a colleague or employees’ intent or changes in their behaviour this should always be reported to security, airport police or Crimestoppers (0800 555 111) is a completely confidential and anonymous option.
7.c Do you know what might be unusual behaviour or reportable security risks?
7.c.1 Loitering near staff only areas or outside usual dwelling areas
7.c.2 Observing, asking questions, recording, or photographing processes, procedures, activities, or assets
7.c.3 Being in restricted access areas without an airport ID or escort
7.c.4 Tailgating or attempts to gain access to restricted areas
7.c.5 Using another person’s identity card.
7.c.6 Looking at or taking photos of identity cards.
This list is not exhaustive, if something does not look or feel right, REPORT IT
7.d Do you know what a staff call 100 is?
7.d.1 A staff call 100 announcement over the PA system it means a security threat has been reported
7.d.2 Check your immediate vicinity and report anything suspicious via 0121 767 8222
7.e Do you know what to do in the event of a firearms or terrorist attack?
The police and security service have been working constantly to foil terrorist attacks for years. These attacks are exceedingly rare but in the event of such an attack, it helps to be prepared. So, stay safe, and remember the words RUN. HIDE. TELL
RUN to a place of safety. This is a far better option than to surrender or negotiate. If there is nowhere to go, then....
HIDE It is better to hide than confront. Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in if you can. Then finally and only when it safe to do so....
TELL the police by calling 999.
If you see or hear something that could be terrorist related, trust your instincts, and call the confidential Anti-Terrorist line on 0800 789 321.
8. Temporary Pass Holder Escort Guidelines:
8.a The temporary pass holder must ensure that they maintain ‘in line of sight’ with their escort at all times whilst in the Critical Part/ Airside Area, even if the work/visit is complete. To be in line of sight means clearly visible - not obscured by any vehicle, object, building, weather conditions etc. - and sufficiently close for their actions to be overseen.
8.b A temporary pass holder may only access the areas for which their escort is authorised.
8.c The escort ratio (i.e., the number of temporary pass holders that may escorted at any one time) is different for a visitor pass and an employment pass:
Escort ratio: Temporary employment pass holder: 1 to 3 (pass design - purple ‘chevron’ border)
Escort ratio: Temporary visitor pass holder: 1 to 6 (pass design - orange ‘block’ colour border)
8.d Items carried will be subject to the same screening standards as those of permanent pass holders.
8.e The temporary pass holder must produce their original proof of identity at the access control points (ACP). The proof of identity must be The same proof of identity submitted during their original application for the temporary pass. Failure to produce the correct proof of identity will prohibit the temporary pass holder entering the security area, until such time as the correct documentation is provided.
8.f The temporary pass holders operating in external areas of the Critical Part (CP) must wear orange coloured high visibility tabards with the words “ESCORTED” written in black letters on the reverse.
8.g The sponsoring company is responsible for providing temporary pass holders with personal protective equipment (PPE) and is to ensure that it is worn appropriately.
8.h The temporary pass holder must use the required pass holder (including the yellow lanyard) provided by Security Personnel at all times. Company lanyards are not permitted for temporary pass holders.
8.i The temporary pass holder visibly displays the temporary pass in a conspicuous position at all times.
8.j The temporary pass holder must read and understand Birmingham Airport Insider Threat policy (refer to section 7).
8.k If the visitor pass is lost in the Critical or Airside Areas, the escort will immediately escort the visitor back to the Landside area of the airport.
8.l If the visitor is also responsible for a vehicle (holding a temporary vehicle pass) during the visit, they must have an appropriate and valid driving permit or be escorted by an identity card holder who holds a valid driving permit for that area.
8.m if a temporary vehicle pass is lost on site, the driver responsible for the vehicle must advise the airport authorities of the loss immediately. Contact 0121 767 7168 (ID Centre or Airport Control Centre 0121 767 8585 (out of normal office hours))
8.n Responsibilities for health & safety matters during the visit will be held by the escort. The sponsoring company must ensure that the Identity card holder escorting the temporary pass holder is compliant with all health & safety regulations (including employee training).
8.p The visitor must sign the front of the pass to confirm they have read and understood the terms and conditions
9. Tools of the Trade (TOTT): T = Tools L = Liquids F = Firearms
Tools off the Trade (TOTT) approval is denoted by either a ‘T’ or ‘L’ or ‘F,’ or a combination of the above three letters displayed on the front of either a permanent or temporary identity card. If the card holder has ‘TOTT’ displayed on their airport identity card, the card holder agrees to abide by the conditions contained in this security declaration. Failure to comply may result in your TOTT authorisation being withdrawn.
The responsibility of a TOTT Authorisation Holder is to:
9.a contribute to Airport Security by complying with the regulations regarding the carriage and safe storage of prohibited articles AT ALL TIMES when on airport premises in the Critical Part (CP). Prohibited Articles discovered unattended any time may lead to disciplinary action which may result in the withdrawal of the authorisation.
9.b A TOTT Authorisation is subject to the following conditions:
9.b.1 it confers approval for the carriage of prohibited articles to undertake your duties.
9.b.2 it is valid only in respect of the person to whom it is issued when carrying out company business.
9.c A TOTT Authorisation must:
9.c.1 be presented to Security Staff of Directed Parties for inspection and validation when the holder wishes to enter the Critical Part.
9.c.2 be shown/handed on demand to Security Staff of Directed Parties, Compliance Authority Personnel or individuals who identify themselves as having responsibility for the security of the area in question.
If you have questions regarding ‘Tools of the Trade’ contact the Security Compliance Advisor 0121 767 7819.
10. Staff Car Park Pass:
10.a The validity of the car park pass will remain upon payment of the annual charge.
10.b Any changes to the vehicles using the staff car park must be immediately updated via the car parking app.
10.c The Company and the Police are authorised to act, under the Airport Byelaws, against staff who park in areas other than the designated parking bays when parking on the Airport site.
10.d NCP are authorised to act against staff who park inappropriately when parking in an NCP Car Park.
10.e There is a talk-through facility at the barrier, connected to the NCP Control Room, to call for assistance in the event of a malfunction of the entrance/exit barriers. Control Room staff have been instructed not to permit entry to users who have not registered their car park details.
10.f The Company reserves the right to remove any unauthorised vehicles and to withdraw parking facilities and take legal action against anyone causing damage to or within the car park and/or to any other Company property.
10.g The Company reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to revoke any authorised access to the car park(s), should any driver of a vehicle be found or considered to have driven a vehicle without due care and attention in excess of the speed limit and/or has driven a vehicle or used the car park in any way which is likely to endanger the person/property of any other third party or which is likely to hinder any third party’s peaceful and proper use of the car park. For the purposes of clarification, the reference to driver shall include any persons who may at any time drive a vehicle which is authorised to access the car parks with the authority/approval of the vehicle owner and any breach of these terms and conditions of use by any such approved/authorised persons shall not affect the Airport Company’s rights to revoke the access for the vehicle owners and/or that of the authorised/approved driver where a breach of these terms and conditions are deemed to have occurred.
10.h The Company cannot guarantee the security of vehicles or their contents and, accordingly, all vehicles and their contents are parked
11.Temporary Vehicle Pass:
11.a A temporary vehicle pass does not grant automatic right of entry.
11.b A temporary vehicle pass will be issued for a viable operational need only. This means in connection with the transport of persons, items, or goods where it would be difficult or impossible to carry out work for which the persons travelling in the vehicle are employed without using a vehicle in the area in question.
11.c The temporary vehicle must be liveried. A liveried vehicle is defined as being permanently lettered or painted in the company colours. Birmingham Airport define a company vehicle as one being owned in its entirety or leased by the undertaking.
11.d A valid MOT or Serviceability Certificate appertaining to the vehicle must be held on record for inspection by the airport authorities. (For further details refer to the appropriate Airport Safety Instruction).
11.e All insurances must provide cover for and against all actions, claims, costs and demands in respect of any loss, damage, or injury to property or persons (including fatalities) which may be made against the user or any of its servants, agents or contractors howsoever arising in connection with the use of the vehicle in airside locations at Birmingham Airport during the currency of all temporary vehicle passes on issue.
11.f Private vehicles are not authorised entry into Critical Part (CP).
11.g The vehicle meets the relevant Airport Operational Instructions (AOI) and Airport Safety Instructions (ASI) appertaining to vehicles operating in Critical Part/Airside area and will ensure that all personnel are aware and will comply with the regulations at all times.
11.h. Birmingham Airport Limited will not be held responsible for any failings by the registered Undertaking or that of any third parties sponsored by the Undertaking and will ensure at all times that adequate insurance cover has been put in place and maintained to the required level as per the ID Centre Code of Practice.
11.j The sponsoring company responsible for the vehicle application must fully understand the relevant sections within the ID Centre Code of Practice relating to temporary vehicle applications.
11.k All vehicles admitted to the CP/Airside area are allowed to do so at the owner’s risk. Birmingham Airport Limited shall not be liable for any loss, damage to the vehicle or its contents, howsoever such loss or damage may be occasioned.
11.l Persons with motorbikes must clearly display their vehicle pass on the bike at all times whilst in the CP/Airside area.
11.m All vehicle pass holders (including motorcycle owners) must present their vehicle pass to aviation security personnel for inspection at a vehicular access control point.
11.n The temporary pass remains the property of BAL and is issued subject to Airport Byelaws and Regulations and the ID Centre Code of Practice.
11.p A vehicle greater than 3.8 metres in height will not be allowed entry into the Critical Part (CP).
11.q A lost or stolen pass must be reported immediately to the sponsoring company and the Airport Authorities. The vehicle must be escorted back to the landside area of the airport without delay.
11.r Tools of the trade are subject to the ‘prohibited articles’ guidelines. All prohibited articles must be relevant to specific work purposes only and when left in a vehicle whilst in the Critical Part (CP), and not in use, must be securely locked away.
Data Protection:
Birmingham Airport Limited is committed to collecting and using personal information responsibly, securely, and fairly. For full details of Birmingham Airport’s Privacy Notices, refer to the Birmingham Airport website www.birminghamairport.co.uk/data-protection/privacy-notices/.