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Lost property

What to do if you've lost something at Birmingham Airport

Opening hours

Location Opening hours
Check-in Zone B
Before security
04:00 to 20:30 hrs

Our lost property service is provided by Luggage-Point. All items lost in the terminal and on a number of airlines should be brought to Luggage-Point, where they are stored securely and logged into their online Lost Property search engine here. If your item has been left on a plane, it may still be with your airline. Airline contact details are found here.

Repatriation Fee: Each item processed as Lost Property is thoroughly checked and vetted to try and locate contact information for the rightful owner. As a result, a storage and administration charge may apply. Repatriation Options: if an item is claimed, but can’t be collected in person, the following options are available:

  1. Nominated collection – If you can arrange for a friend or relative to pick up your lost item(s), let us know who they are and when they will be arriving. They will also need to provide us with a form of ID (passport/driver’s licence), so that we can authorise the release of your item to that person.

  2. Shipping – If collection can’t be arranged, Luggage-Point can send positively identified item(s) to any address through our Shipping & Courier service. Items can be sent to you, home or abroad, subject to the relevant retrieval charge plus applicable shipping costs.

  3. Storage – If collection and shipping are not the options for you, Luggage-Point can store your lost item(s) in our secure storage facilities for a period of up to 42 days until collection can be arranged.

Please visit the Luggage Point website to see details of Luggage-Point's storage service. Location: Luggage-Point Airport Services desk.

Telephone: 0330 223 0893 Email: [email protected] Please Note: *(Prescription drugs are exempt from charge)

**(Items collected within 30 minutes of being processed can be collected without charge)

***(Large items that have been claimed must be collected within 14 days of being claimed or will be subject to a £10 daily storage fee in addition to standard charge)

Baggage - missing, delayed, damaged or lost baggage on arrival into Birmingham Airport

Please contact Swissport on the following contact details:

Or passengers should contact their airline or their airlines baggage handling agents. Luggage-Point does not operate this service, see below for further details.

If more than 5 days has passed since your arrival, passengers should contact their airline directly.

For lost luggage FAQs click here.

Baggage - missing, lost or damaged baggage on arrival at your destination airport

Please report this to your airline or ground agent on arrival at the airport. You will receive a reference number and instructions on the process.