You may be selected for scanning on a random basis or in order to resolve security concerns. Security scanners provide an additional layer of security that offers an effective method of screening passengers for emerging threats.
Everything you need to know
Passengers are selected for scanning in order to resolve security concerns or on a random basis. Selection is never based on personal characteristics (i.e. on a basis that may constitute discrimination such as disability, sex, gender reassignment, age, race, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity and sexual orientation).
The scanner uses harmless millimetre-waves (common radio-frequency signals) which reflect off objects at extremely low power levels. These signals pass through clothing but do not penetrate the body. The system then creates a 3-D silhouette (a stick like figure) of a passenger’s body, rather than an actual image so it is impossible to identify anybody. The scan takes less than 10 seconds.
Yes. All scanners have been assessed by Government health and safety regulators. The system does not use ionizing radiation and is 10,000 times less powerful than other commercial radio frequency devices, far below the allowed levels in the UK and does not constitute any unacceptable risk to health.
Those selected will be asked to take up a particular stance in the scanner, there is no physical contact and passengers will not feel anything. Security staff will provide guidance throughout the process. The whole process only takes a few seconds. If the scanner detects any potentially dangerous items on a person, then security staff will need to carry out further searches.
The system creates a 3-D silhouette (a stick like figure) of the passenger’s body, rather than an actual image so it is impossible to identify anybody. It will identify any items on the figure that require further investigation. Our vetted and trained security staff may view the images. Passengers may also see their image. The images are deleted immediately after analysis and cannot be recovered.
A passenger can request that their image is viewed by a security officer of the same gender. The Airport must meet this request as quickly as possible.
Passengers can choose an alternative screening method. The alternative screening method will be at least a private search (an enhanced hand search in private which may involve loosening and/or removal of some clothes).
Children may be selected to go through the security scanner. It is a necessary measure in enhancing security for all passengers. To do otherwise would undermine the effect of these measures.
Passengers declining the security scanner will be searched by other methods. Selection is never based on personal characteristics.
The security scanner is safe for pregnant passengers. The dose received from the scanner is a smaller fraction of that received every day from natural sources and is far lower than the levels allowed by law for all types of people, including expectant mothers.
If you have a metal limb/implant, please advise a Security Officer at the earliest opportunity and where possible, travel with a confirmation note from your GP. If you cannot walk through the metal detector you will be hand searched. You will not need to do anything in advance of your travelling date. If you wish for a private search, you may request one from the Security Officer.
The security scanners will not show implants or prostheses, the image created is of a 3-D silhouette (a stick like figure) rather than an actual image
The scanner at Birmingham Airport is safe for use by passengers with implanted medical devices, including pacemakers, internal defibrillators and other devices.
The scanner utilises harmless millimetre-waves, common radio-frequency signals, which reflect off objects at extremely low power levels. The dose received from being scanned is far below the allowed levels in the UK and does not constitute an unacceptable risk to health. Passengers declining the body scanner will be searched by other methods.