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The founder of charity One Water, Duncan Goose, will be visiting the World Duty Free store at Birmingham Airport on the morning of 19th July as part of a round-Britain tour to raise awareness of the millions of people around the world who do not have access to clean drinking water.

Duncan founded the charity in 2005, after his motorbike trip around the world took him through a deadly hurricane in Honduras in 1998. This experience led him to establish one of the UK’s first ‘purpose-led brands’.

‘One’ was named because at the time there were one billion people living without access to clean water. It started with a simple mission – to donate its profits to fund clean water projects. Since then the charity has given away £25 million and helped 4 million people.

Duncan Goose said: “Thanks to the ongoing support for the One Foundation since 2006 from the UK’s leading travel retailer; World Duty Free, and all its staff, and to all the customers who have switched to One water, we are changing people’s lives. And now I want to celebrate the part played by World Duty Free and its staff by riding my original world-trip motorbike around the UK, thanking them personally.”

Duncan is due to arrive in Birmingham on the morning of 19th July and will travel directly to the airport, where he will meet staff and customers and can also be available for media interviews or photos.

For more information please contact [email protected] 

Background information

One Water was launched in 2005 with a simple vision: to sell bottled water in the UK to fund water projects across the world. The name One represents the idea that you can’t change a billion people’s lives, but if you can change just One that’s a definition of success.

Water is essential for life, yet millions of people around the world are still living without access to safe drinking water. More than 3 million people die every year from waterborne diseases and most are children under 5 years old. Lack of access to safe water leaves families trapped in poverty, as they are forced to spend up to 4 hours a day collecting water at the expense of working or attending school.

Together we have changed 4 million lives & raised £20m. 

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